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Professional Adobe Photoshop Secrets - Discover How to Master Photoshop Basics Faster!

It is still a mystery to Photoshop enthusiasts why their works do not end up the same as the ones created by professional digital artists even if both of you used the same tools and techniques. You may not believe us when we say that the edge of these experts lies in the very basic of Photoshop imaging. To master Photoshop, everyone goes to a series of lessons on tools and navigation. What a regular Photoshop enthusiast lacks is knowledge on imaging that is beyond Photoshop.
Now is the time to let the secret be revealed. So what exactly is the difference between the work of a professional and a hobbyist? None other than the image quality! Professionals make it a point to start with the best quality of image they can get their hands on. This is the reason why photographers can get ahead of other Photoshop learners-they can get great photos most of which are already gorgeous as they are without further enhancement.
But you should not fret if you lack the same skill on photography. Learning Photoshop basics can already equip you with what you need to know to create a professional looking digital art. Of course, you have to make sure that you are using the proper tools aside from Adobe Photoshop itself. Use cameras and scanners that allow you to save raw images. If you are working on a compressed image file, make sure to start with the highest image resolution possible. That is why you must not settle with a low end computer as well. Image editing requires a lot of disk space, else you may have to compensate with the quality of your outputs.
Once you have obtained your images, the next thing you have to do is to further enhance it with Photoshop. Since you are already halfway with your goal to master Photoshop basics and become a professional, you are probably adept with cleaning up images, removing dust spots, manipulating curves and levels, and the likes. Use this knowledge to prepare the raw image for that professional-looking digital art.

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