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Integrating Photoshop and HTML to Make Amazing Web Templates

There are only two forms of web templates which are widely accepted: PSD (Photoshop document) and HTML (Hyper text mark up language). Photoshop, is a graphic editing program that helps in image creation, editing and processing. PSD are not reusable like HTML Templates. The text which is written cannot be edited. PSD source file templates come in handy when one wants to make heavy customizations (changing out images and navigational menus) to a website template. Its features are: improved file management, support for 16- bit images, customized workspace, unparalleled efficiency.
Definitely,we need to know about the web template coding i.e. slicing the image to HTML documents. We would need one copy of PSD to make changes. HTML template is a new solution to the old problem, In the beginning, people wrote CGIs (Common gateway interface) by scattering print statements throughout Perl scripts. The HTML that ended up on the user's screen was literally embedded in the Perl script. These scripts were very difficult to maintain. Even a small change, like switching fonts, required a programmer to edit the script. It was almost impossible for a non-programmer to edit the HTML without endangering the script itself! Thus, programmers were required for even the smallest design change. Given the relative shortage of programmers versus HTML designers, this is clearly not desired situation. Template approaches the problem differently. Using HTML Template, the Perl code and the HTML text are kept totally separate.
HTML Template allows Perl programmers and HTML designers to work totally independently. The HTML designers only need to learn a few new tags. Customization is limited on HTML templates. HTML templates are very easy to work upon, you just need to add text on it, resulting into a highly classy professional website. As, these templates can be modified easily so it also saves a lot of time. You can find a lot many free web templates on different sites.
It is completely your choice to start with PSD or HTML web templates, depending upon your expertise, knowledge and skills in this field. At any point of time, you can start with HTML template, but PSD gives you more decent look. There are countless opportunities in designing with photoshop, it still depends upon your website's requirements and budget as to what features to add and what not.

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