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Adobe Photoshop Running Slow? How to Stop Photoshop Running Slow

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most powerful and effective graphics programs available, but if you're using this tool and find it's constantly running slowly, then you'll need to be able to fix the problems that are causing it to run slow. Because this program is so advanced, many computers end up running it slowly for a wide number of reasons, but there are typically 2 different causes of problems which can be easily fixed.
The first thing you need to do is to make sure that your graphics card can support Photoshop. If you're using quite an old PC, or a laptop, then the chances are that your current graphics capability might not be able to handle the intense Photoshop program. To fix this, you should try and update your graphics driver by clicking onto your manufacturer's website and then downloading the latest video driver from there (typically, the drivers available will be either for Nvidia or ATI graphics). Getting the latest driver will boost the processing power of your graphics card, and will allow your PC to read the Photoshop commands and instructions much quicker.
Although graphics is a very important part of Photoshop, the main cause of it running slowly is actually to do with all the damaged and corrupted settings that are inside your PC. Because Photoshop is actually one of the most resource-intensive programs you can use on Windows, it requires 100's of settings just to help it run. All these settings are stored inside a single database on your PC called the "registry", and the problem is that many of these settings actually become damaged and corrupted, causing your computer to run slower and with a lot of errors.
The problem is that because Photoshop needs to read so many settings from the registry database at once, it's constantly becoming confused, leading your PC to save many of the settings it needs in the wrong way. This causes the settings to become damaged and corrupted, leading your PC to take longer to read them the next time it needs them. This makes Photoshop run slower as it takes longer to process the files it requires, and is why most computers will end up running slowly.
To fix this problem (which is present on all versions of Windows), you need to use a registry cleaner tool to scan through your system and fix any of the damaged or corrupted settings that are inside it. A registry cleaner is a software program which scans through your PC and fixes any of the damaged or corrupt settings that are causing the likes of Photoshop to run slow. You can get registry cleaner tools from the Internet, and they will basically scan through your PC and fix any of the damaged or corrupt settings that are inside it - allowing your computer to run much faster and more reliably.

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Professional Adobe Photoshop Secrets - Discover How to Master Photoshop Basics Faster!

It is still a mystery to Photoshop enthusiasts why their works do not end up the same as the ones created by professional digital artists even if both of you used the same tools and techniques. You may not believe us when we say that the edge of these experts lies in the very basic of Photoshop imaging. To master Photoshop, everyone goes to a series of lessons on tools and navigation. What a regular Photoshop enthusiast lacks is knowledge on imaging that is beyond Photoshop.
Now is the time to let the secret be revealed. So what exactly is the difference between the work of a professional and a hobbyist? None other than the image quality! Professionals make it a point to start with the best quality of image they can get their hands on. This is the reason why photographers can get ahead of other Photoshop learners-they can get great photos most of which are already gorgeous as they are without further enhancement.
But you should not fret if you lack the same skill on photography. Learning Photoshop basics can already equip you with what you need to know to create a professional looking digital art. Of course, you have to make sure that you are using the proper tools aside from Adobe Photoshop itself. Use cameras and scanners that allow you to save raw images. If you are working on a compressed image file, make sure to start with the highest image resolution possible. That is why you must not settle with a low end computer as well. Image editing requires a lot of disk space, else you may have to compensate with the quality of your outputs.
Once you have obtained your images, the next thing you have to do is to further enhance it with Photoshop. Since you are already halfway with your goal to master Photoshop basics and become a professional, you are probably adept with cleaning up images, removing dust spots, manipulating curves and levels, and the likes. Use this knowledge to prepare the raw image for that professional-looking digital art.

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Master Adobe Photoshop 6.0 Fast! Here's How to Master Photoshop!

Truth is that more than half of what you will learn about Adobe Photoshop 6.0 is the same as with other versions. So if you are already versed with other versions of Photoshop, it won't take you too long to master Photoshop 6.0.
Basically, the only difference of Photoshop 6.0 compared to other Photoshop versions is workspace navigation. Most of the tools are not placed on the same menu or toolbox as that on CS2, for example. Aside from that, some of the tools that are used in the same manner are labeled differently. Because of these differences, the shortcuts and hand tools can vary per version as well.
If you are a complete Photoshop newbie, it is best for you to master Photoshop with tutorials that encompass all versions of Adobe Photoshop. These online courses teach the basics of Photoshop with a single curriculum by providing step-by-step instructions of every version. You only need to choose which version you are currently using and focus on that.
It would not be a problem if your current version does not have the tools for some of the lessons as you can easily skip those that are not applicable to you. Besides you are learning at your own pace and in case you found out that this certain technique is important, you can easily purchase an upgrade of your Adobe Photoshop 6.0 from the Adobe Online Store. Enrolling in paid online courses enable you to avail of student discounts so you might want to consider these trainings instead of settling with free online tutorials to master Photoshop.

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Adobe Photoshop Elements Tutorial

If you have unanswered questions about Adobe Elements software like, the different Elements versions, what you can do with Adobe Elements, how Elements and Photoshop relate, and where you can find Adobe Elements video tutorials, then this Adobe Photoshop Elements tutorial will answer them for you, as well as revealing a number of useful Adobe Elements tips...
Adobe Photoshop is the professional photographers secret tool to creating fantastic photographs yet can be a challenging program to learn. Given the learning curve that Photoshop demands many everyday photographers feel intimidated by the program. Because of this fact, Adobe has introduced Photoshop Elements, a "lite" version of their popular program. Adobe Elements contains many of the same tools and features as Photoshop yet is much easier to learn and master.
What makes Elements different from Photoshop?
Elements is contains many of the same features and tools as Photoshop. For example, in both programs you can fix lighting problems, remove unwanted items, fix red-eye, and create a multitude of projects including scrapbooks, calendars and cards. These are only a few of the similarities between the programs. The main difference between the programs is that Adobe Elements is much easier to learn since it has an easier to use interface. This advantage allows a newcomer to the program a faster assimilation so you can begin working with your photos almost immediately. With Adobe Photoshop you could spend months learning all the tools and features.
Can I find tutorials for Adobe Elements?
Regardless of whether you decide to use Photoshop or Elements you may wish to view tutorials in order to get started on the right foot. You can find a variety of tutorials available in all sorts of mediums, including online tutorials, DVD's or CD-Rom. Tutorials a great ways to learn about the tools available (and how to find them) as well as showing you various keyboard shortcuts to the various tools. You can find different tutorials that focus on a variety features and you should expect to learn how to use text in combination with your images as well as using special effects, masks, layers, as well as a variety of other thing.
What can I do with the latest Adobe Elements version?
Regardless of whether you want to restore an old photograph or crop out unwanted items in your photographs, the tools available in Adobe Elements 8 will allow you to accomplish your goals. It's a sad twist of fate that photographs that were taken years ago will discolor or get worn out from handling. The built in tools, including the blur and sharpen tools, can help you restore your cherished momentous and keep them for future generations. Another common problem is having red eyes staring back out at you. Regardless of your skill or the expense of your camera red-eye is a problem that even professionals experience. Using the red-eye reduction tool you can fix this problem with a simple click of the mouse not only from people but from our four-legged friends as well.
Adobe Elements tips:
a) Combine multiple photos using the Photomerge feature and create a seamless panorama. Further enhance it using the rotate, zoom and pan tools.
b) Flip through the various blend modes by pressing your shift+ to change to the next mode and shift - to go to the previous. These shortcuts help you view all the modes quickly rather than separately clicking and viewing them.
c) Remember to use the picture package option print all the pictures with different print size on one page.

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Adobe Photoshop - One of the Famous Photo Modify Editing Software

Photoshop has been known as a business mainstream for graphics specialists. It may be difficult to learn it in your first try, but with continuous study, you will find it easier to use. It can do wonders to your images than you can think possible.
If you are a beginner, it may be best to enroll first in course classes at your own local district academy to study the fundamentals of the software. These essential modifications are included in each preliminary Photoshop session. Self-studying later on may be much easier once you learn the basics from these classes.
In 1987, Thomas Knoll, a PhD apprentice at the University of Michigan, started writing a composition on his Macintosh Plus to present grayscale descriptions on a colorless representation. This program, named Display, interested his sibling John Knoll, who was an Industrial Light and Magic staff, who suggested Thomas to turn Display into a complete image-organizing program.
Thomas took a six-month vacation from his studies in 1988 to work in partnership with his brother on the program. They called their first software ImagePro. Later on Thomas renamed it to Photoshop and devised a temporary agreement with Barneyscan, a scanner manufacturer, to supply copies of the program with a slide scanner.
For a period of time, John took a trip to Silicon Valley and presented an exhibition of the program to the engineers at Apple Computer Inc. and Russell Brown, art director at Adobe. Both presentations were victorious.
Adobe won the bid and bought the program in September 1988. While John performed on plug-ins in California, Thomas continued writing program system in Ann Arbor. Photoshop 1.0 was released in public in 1990 entirely for Macintosh.
Photoshop was continually modified to perform better and suit the needs of graphic editors. It was in November 1992 when a Microsoft Windows port of version 2.0 became available, and a year afterwards, it was ported to the SGI IRIX and Sun Solaris stage.
It was in September 1994 when version 3.0 became available worldwide, which presented tabbed palettes and layers. In February 2003, Photoshop distributed with the Camera RAW 1.x plug-in, allowing users to import RAW configurations from unusual digital cameras exactly into Photoshop.
In October 2004, the program was called Adobe Photoshop CS. The name makes use of the acronym CS for products in Adobe Creative Suite. The logo was a feather portrayed in shades of blue and green, which was also used in 9.0.
The 10th edition, Photoshop CS3 became available in the market on April 16, 2007, with a blue symbol formed after periodic table elements, together with the new representation of other Creative Suite products.
In January 2008, the Wine project proclaimed authorized assistance for Photoshop CS2, permitting the Windows edition of Photoshop CS2 to be used on Linux and other UNIX program.
Photoshop has durable links with other Adobe software for media editing, computer graphics, and authoring. Documentations in Photoshop's indigenous layout, .PSD, can be exported to and from Adobe Image Ready, Adobe Illustrator, standard DVDs and offer non-linear editing and unique sound effects services such as backdrops and textures, for television, film, and the Web.
The software revolves around editing pixels. Photoshop facilitates by controlling every distinctive pixel. Pixels are operated according to any tool that is being used.
Photoshop versions:
1. Photoshop CS3
2. Photoshop CS3 Extended
3. Photoshop Elements 6.0 for Macintosh
4. Photoshop Elements 6.0 for Windows
5. Photoshop Elements 6.0 & Adobe Premiere Elements 4.0
6. Photoshop Express beta
7. Photoshop Light room 2
8. Photoshop CS4 (Stonehenge)

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Learning Photoshop Basics for Free

Adobe Photoshop, called simply Photoshop by most, is a leading graphics editor developed by Adobe Systems. It is used to create and manipulate images, both for personal and commercial use. Photoshop can be used in multiple operating systems, including Microsoft, Macintosh and Linux. Since 1988, Photoshop has evolved from containing basic editing tools to the now more advanced functions, including the warp tool and the grain reduction filter for photos taken in low light. Because of this, there is a need to learn the basics and constantly re-learn additional features of the software; hence, the continuously increasing number of free Photoshop tutorials available.

The Adobe Photoshop program itself offers tutorials. First, check out the manual. This contains explanations on the basic tools of the software. The program also comes with ReadMe and ReadMe First! files that also contains helpful information. When you open Adobe Photoshop, you can also go to Photoshop Help under the “Help” tab. If you are using Windows, the shortcut would be to click F1. You can then choose from a set of basic Photoshop topics, such as making color adjustments, drawing, applying filters, and using layers.

Free Photoshop Tutorials also abound on the Internet. The advantages of using the Internet to look for free tutorials are that these resources are more updated that those found in books or those built-in with the program. The Internet also provides almost unlimited information for various topics and useful tips from other users like you. Also, you can access these tutorials at your own time in the convenience of your home.

The most trusted source of free Photoshop information is the Adobe Website, which can be seen at Adobe Online offers free tutorials, how-to guides, interactive online courses and online seminars. Adobe Online also allows registered users access to Photoshop Knowledgebase, which contains answers to technical questions. Adobe also offers customer service, which can vary depending on your location.

You can also join several online Photoshop forums. These allow Photoshop users to interact with one another and answer each other’s questions. Adobe also has an online forum for its products, including Photoshop. Aside from this, there are other forums on Photoshop and other similar software that you can join.

If you still want more information, you can also search the Internet for other sources. Using a search engine, you can find numerous websites offering free Photoshop tutorials. Free Photoshop tutorials are available in multiple formats, including text, audio, video, or combinations of these. Depending on your availability, tutorials may also be conducted in real-time or may be accessed on-demand.

Some websites offer a list of free online tutorials from different sources, such as [] and Other sites offer free tutorials that can be accessed on their webpages, while some websites send the tutorials directly to your e-mail. Some websites also offer online tutorial and training courses, which you can try out for free for a set trial period. You can also avail of tutorial courses using chats and call or video conferencing, which can be conducted one-on-one or with a group. These live tutorials are more interactive, allowing you to ask questions during the process and provide feedback to the other users.

Of course, there are also disadvantages to searching for free Photoshop tutorials online is that you cannot always be assured of the quality of the tutorials. Majority of these tutorials are not certified or supported by Adobe Systems. Also, some websites offering free Photoshop tutorials advertise that their tutorials are free when, in fact, they aren’t. Users looking for free Photoshop tutorials should be on the lookout for these sites and should proceed with caution.

Mario Churchill is a freelance author and has written over 200 articles on various subjects. For a free photo shop tutorial and or to purchase a video photo shop tutorial checkout his website.

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Photo Montage Design - Microsoft Publisher Vs Adobe Photoshop

Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Publisher is a publishing application that has a variety of different uses. As such, it attempts to cover a number of different areas including some reasonable photo editing features. It is relatively simple to use with a decent help function and there are some tutorials to be found online that give precise instructions on how to create a montage using Microsoft Publisher. It is also found in the Microsoft Office suite of tools so you may already have it installed on your computer.
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is the image editing package for digital design professionals and photographers around the world. As well as a host of basic features it offers an almost baffling array of more advanced features. Numerous versions are available, of which the basic should prove more than adequate to create a simple photo montage, and prices do vary but if cost is a factor then Photoshop may not be your best bet. However, there is a massive online community of Photoshop professionals that share templates, tutorials, and tips on virtually every aspect of its use.
Advanced Settings
For the creation of a basic photo montage there's really no need to delve into the world of advanced settings on either application and as such this means that Publisher should prove more than adequate. However, if you want to create more advanced photo montages like a photomontage then you should definitely consider purchasing Adobe Photoshop for its numerous methods of altering and working with pictures.
Online Tutorials And Templates
The Microsoft website itself has a reasonable number of tutorials for Publisher and some of these can be used in the creation of a beautiful photo montage. However, for tutorials and templates, the thriving online community that has been built around the Photoshop application is simply staggering. Whatever you want to do with the Adobe application you can find somebody that has already done it, published a tutorial, and probably included samples, examples, and templates.
Cost And Availability
Microsoft Publisher is included as part of the Microsoft Office suite of applications. Many computers include a version of Microsoft Office and if you have Word or Excel installed on your PC then there is a very good chance you have Publisher too. While not actually free, it may not cost you anything extra if you find it's already installed. Publisher, on the other hand, is most definitely a commercial product with varying licenses and costs to boot.
Designing Your Own Photo Montage
Designing your own photo montage is a great way to explore your artistic side while creating beautiful montages that can be printed on canvas and a variety of photos gifts. You can get the kids involved by including their pictures and you can use any family photos from any occasion, event, or celebration to create compelling and unique, personalised photo montages.

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Basics of Adobe Photoshop - First Steps to Starting With Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop has become one of the best tools available to day when it comes to editing photos and designing websites. Although there may be a lot of tools involved in the software, it is also one of those that give the best output when it comes to designing.
To help you start learning this powerful program, start with the basics of Adobe Photoshop to learn and master the tools and to avoid any frustrations in your work, Indeed, a little patience in learning the tools and the basics can help keep your enthusiasm and interest in learning and using the program in your projects. Here are some basic tools that you may want to familiarize to start with Adobe Photoshop.
Understanding the Interface
Of course, before you start, you have to understand the workspace where you will be working on in Photoshop. In the Adobe Photoshop workspace, you will see your toolbox found on the left side of your workspace. This contains the tools that you will be using for your editing and designing, although you can still find a lot of tools in the menu bar and the options bar, which is located right below the menu bar, which you may be familiar with already.
These tools may be represented with icons of pencils, small arrows, medicine dropper and many others which, will help you take note of their function.
On the right side of your workspace, you will find other palettes that will provide you with options and important information about the document you have in your workspace such as its colors as well as the changes that you have done with the image or document.
Understanding the Tools
If it is your first time with the program, you may be overwhelmed by the many icons in its toolbox and you may be overwhelmed with what to use when. For beginners, it is important to understand the basics. You may want to group these tools according to their function to make them easier to keep in mind.
The Adobe Photoshop tools include tools that allow you to select such as the Marquee, the Lasso, and the Magic Wand. You can find them at the top of toolbox which is represented by a dotted square, an irregularly shaped polygon and a magic wand respectively and these are used depending on the size or the shape of the object or image that you want to select in your document.
You will also find the brush, which is one of the basic tools that you will be using, the eraser, the blur or the sharpen tool and most especially the clone stamp. The clone stamp has been one of the many important tools in Photo shop that you will find amazing, as it will copy a particular image in the picture, and useful if you want to create more trees, or delete someone in the background.
You can also make use of the drawing tools as well as the tools that allow you to copy existing colors in your image. Mastering these two is the very basics of Adobe Photoshop, thus before getting too excited to start with your project, learn these tools and master their function.

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Photoshop CS2 Tutorials for Beginners

Photoshop CS2 tutorials will play a big role on how far you can go with your Photoshop installed in your computer. This will enable you to maximize the different features of the program and benefit from it.
Photoshop CS2 Upgrade
The basic Photoshop program has an upgrade now in the Photoshop CS2. With this at hand there are a number of things that you can now do. It now comes with neat features that make artworks more enjoyable in the computer.
Here are some of the features that you can now enjoy from the Photoshop CS2 version.
o Adobe Bridge
It is now easier to view and manipulate your various photographs and artworks through the Adobe Bridge.
o Remove Red-Eye Instantly
The older Photoshop version would take some time before a red-eye is removed. With Photoshop CS2, this task can be done more easily.
o Spot Healing Brush
The Spot Healing Brush in Photoshop CS2 will allow you to get rid of imperfections. With just the click of a mouse, your spot will definitely get a good repair.
o Accurate Printing
Photoshop CS2 tutorial can let you explore the improved workflow of printing with the program. You can easily learn how to configure the printer for more accurate colors in the output.
o Font Viewing
Fonts can now be previewed as to how they would actually appear from the drop-down menu. Now, you do not have to keep on clicking until you find the right one.
Photoshop CS2 Tutorials
Buying the Photoshop program and enjoying its features would be fairly easy. However, it is a completely different matter to be able to learn the many ways of operating the program to create illustrations and graphics.
Thus, it is best to explore the many options for Photoshop CS2 tutorials. Here are some of your options to learn the basics of the program.
1. Online Photoshop CS2 Tutorial
Buying your own Photoshop CS2 program will give you access to the online tutorial. It will also give you venue to ask your questions and get some tips on how to properly use the program.
2. Utilizing the Demo Version
Most of the Photoshop CS2 tutorials on the Web are provided for a fee. However, there are options for you to get a demo version of such tutorials.
You can get this demo version free of charge. This version will only include a few chapters of lessons. This will give you a good preview of how well the tutorial will go. You can evaluate its features before purchasing the full version.
3. Purchase the CD
Photoshop CS2 tutorials can also be accessed by purchasing the CD. You can get this for less than $100 and you can explore everything you need to learn about Photoshop CS2.
4. Download a PDF File
There are also PDF files available on the Web that you can download. This can provide you the foundations of Photoshop CS2 that you need to learn.
5. Video Tutorials
You can also explore the internet for sites that offer Photoshop CS2 video tutorials. If you are completely clueless about Photoshop CS2, then the video will be able to guide you in every step of the way.
The Photoshop CS2 tutorial is a good option for you to maximize the use of your program. With skills you can gather from here, you can surely go a long way with your artworks and creativity.

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The Newest Photoshop Program Adobe CS4

Adobe software is some of the best in its class and every year it continues to improve the previous versions in functionality and ease of use. At first, Adobe became known for a series of individual products, such as Photoshop and Acrobat, however they've also got an entire line of design software, which is also called "Creative Suite," and contains a whole host of useful products. The latest version of the software is Adobe CS4 and contains the following:
o Adobe Photoshop, which is a very popular graphics editor.
o Adobe Illustrator, which is a vector style graphics editor.
o Adobe InDesign, which is a web-design product.
o Adobe Acrobat, which creates and manages PDF files.
o Adobe Flash, which is the software you can thank for various movie style web pages and scenes and can turn any web page into a dynamic browsing experience.
o Adobe Dreamweaver, which is an html based web page manager and html editor. Dreamweaver has been around for quite some time and is a very advanced product when compared to others in its class.
o Adobe Fireworks, which is a bitmap and vector based graphic design editor, mostly used for creating and modifying web based images and designs.
o A mix of 10 other programs ranging from audio editors, advanced management systems, and other organizational style software programs.
Adobe CS4 is a comprehensive software suite that is capable of turning your PC or laptop into a product creation machine. You can literally do anything in the realm of graphics or web design using these tools, and if you learn how to use them properly you can create a skill set that is sought after across the industry.
There are approximately 4 editions to the software, which range in price and value. There is an edition for web focused businesses or individuals, one for design, one for production, and one that contains every piece of software in the suite.
As you can imagine, the price of this package is somewhat expensive, as many of the programs are several hundred dollars individually. The bottom line price is $999 retail and the most expensive package is well over $2,000. Obviously, unless you have a use for all of these products, you might be better off buying them individually. However, if you use more than a few, you should consider buying the base package at a minimum.
Adobe CS4 is the best in its class and contains more than you'll ever need to create graphics, web pages, flash movies, and PDF files. There is so much that you can do with the software that I'd have a hard time fitting it all within this post, but I would strongly consider taking a look at the individual product pages to learn more. Adobe CS4 might be expensive, but it is well worth it when you consider the power it gives you to create and produce great products. There is a reason that the professionals use it, so I would definitely give this software a 2nd look.

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Moving From Photoshop to Gimp - 4 Killer Tips to Make the Leap

If you are considering making the jump from Photoshop to Gimp, you need to understand a few basic concepts that will make your transition a bit less bumpy. If you dive into Gimp full of Photoshop shortcuts and methodology in your head, you are doomed.
Here are four killer tips to making the jump to Gimp.
1. Gimp is not Photoshop. Nope, it ain't Photoshop. It never will be. But is it as good? For most uses, especially web graphics, it will be as good. For print, Photoshop is better. The main point here is to go into Gimp like a newbie. Try to leave your Photoshop knowledge out and look at Gimp as a totally new program.
2. Read the manual. I tried for years to use Gimp, but couldn't, because I kept thinking it was, or should, be Photoshop. I complained that the keystrokes weren't the same, that the crop functionality was different, etc. When I finally broke out the Gimp manual and approached it from a newbie learning a new program, I saw the light.
3. Do a bunch of tutorials. There are a ton of excellent Gimp tutorials online. Google "gimp tutorial" and be enlightened. Remember when you first started to learn Photoshop? You did a bunch of tutorials and learned all sorts of shortcuts and tricks. That is how you need to learn Gimp. Take it slow. See how other people work with Gimp. Again, leave your Photoshop chops on the shelf and start over with Gimp.
4. Don't give up. Before I saw the light and actually read the Gimp manual and did a bunch of tutorials, I got frustrated every time I tried to use Gimp. It was maddening to do even the most simple things: make a header graphic, change font color, apply a drop shadow.
I gave up several times. In the end, my persistence paid off, and so will yours. Moving from Photoshop to Gimp is not easy, but once you settle in and treat it as a new program, read the manual, do some tutorials, you'll find moving around and getting real work done in Gimp is easy.

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Five Things You Can Do With Photoshop

1. Add and organise layers.
One of the most powerful features in Photoshop is its ability to work with layers. Layers allows the user to place different shapes, images and text in different locations and depth within the master document that you are working on. One example is having a rounded rectangle shape with a different colored stroke on the outside that acts as a right or left content region of a Web 2.0 theme. You can add another layer on top and use an image for that layer with rounded corners. Text may be placed on top of that layer, and effects such as a drop shadow and outside glow may be added.
There really is no limit to the amount of layers one can use and Photoshop provides the ability to add folders in the Layer Window to organize your layers inside of. Moving layers within this window is a breeze.
2. Save in various formats including optimizing your design for your website.
A really neat feature that Photoshop has is the ability to automate image files into a high resolution PDF file. This is fantastic for high quality printing requirements. For the website designer, Photoshop can optimize images into JPG and GIF files that are common for viewing on the Internet. The settings can be adjusted for fast viewing online while maintaining good image appearance and quality.
3. Create vector shapes.
Photoshop comes with several preloaded vector shapes. They are quite easy to select and can be enlarged and scaled based on your needs through the transform tool. There are a variety of shapes that can be found online for both free download and for purchase.
4. Slice your design for use in your website.
The slicing tool provides the means to break the design into several areas that can be exported into Dreamweaver which is a WYSIWYG HTML editor. Other online tools are available to transform the layers of your design into a functioning theme for common Content Management Systems. These tools vary, but generally a knowledge of style sheets and CSS is required for optimum use.
5. Create animations.
Photoshop allows you to take several layers and create animations with them, such as mouseovers for text in websites or animated GIF files. Certainly not a substitution for Adobe Flash, animated GIFs, when used in proper context, can be useful, such as creating an animated advertising banner on your website.
Photoshop has come a long way in its development cycles, but certainly is a required tool for those who can master its potential.

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Integrating Photoshop and HTML to Make Amazing Web Templates

There are only two forms of web templates which are widely accepted: PSD (Photoshop document) and HTML (Hyper text mark up language). Photoshop, is a graphic editing program that helps in image creation, editing and processing. PSD are not reusable like HTML Templates. The text which is written cannot be edited. PSD source file templates come in handy when one wants to make heavy customizations (changing out images and navigational menus) to a website template. Its features are: improved file management, support for 16- bit images, customized workspace, unparalleled efficiency.
Definitely,we need to know about the web template coding i.e. slicing the image to HTML documents. We would need one copy of PSD to make changes. HTML template is a new solution to the old problem, In the beginning, people wrote CGIs (Common gateway interface) by scattering print statements throughout Perl scripts. The HTML that ended up on the user's screen was literally embedded in the Perl script. These scripts were very difficult to maintain. Even a small change, like switching fonts, required a programmer to edit the script. It was almost impossible for a non-programmer to edit the HTML without endangering the script itself! Thus, programmers were required for even the smallest design change. Given the relative shortage of programmers versus HTML designers, this is clearly not desired situation. Template approaches the problem differently. Using HTML Template, the Perl code and the HTML text are kept totally separate.
HTML Template allows Perl programmers and HTML designers to work totally independently. The HTML designers only need to learn a few new tags. Customization is limited on HTML templates. HTML templates are very easy to work upon, you just need to add text on it, resulting into a highly classy professional website. As, these templates can be modified easily so it also saves a lot of time. You can find a lot many free web templates on different sites.
It is completely your choice to start with PSD or HTML web templates, depending upon your expertise, knowledge and skills in this field. At any point of time, you can start with HTML template, but PSD gives you more decent look. There are countless opportunities in designing with photoshop, it still depends upon your website's requirements and budget as to what features to add and what not.

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Digital Images Created in Photoshop

The advent of Adobe Photoshop unleashed the ability to create and manipulate images in an almost infinite number of different ways. In this manner, Photoshop can be said to have changed the world's perspective on reality. So much so, that people may no longer automatically "believe what they see", since it's now possible to alter images in ways that are almost impossible to detect.
If you are not familiar with Photoshop, it is a program designed to allow people to create and edit all types of images on their computers. Its original, and still for many its principal function, is to enable you to perform touch-ups on pictures before printing or posting online. Naturally, each subsequent version of Photoshop included more sophisticated tools which allow you to correct minor errors or produce advanced effects from the original photograph. The Photoshop of today also allows the creation of sound files and animation for sharing online.
In the past, images had to be saved in very particular file formats in order to be manipulated in Photoshop. However, because of the explosion of digital cameras and camera phones today, Photoshop can actually import the photographs directly from the source. This means that the time between taking the picture and sharing it is reduced.
Previously, when individuals took 'bad' pictures there was nothing they could do to correct the errors. This meant that that if the image was blurred due to camera shake, or if there was red-eye caused by the flash, you had to either live with these imperfections or delete the image all together. Now of course, there are countless numbers of basic photographic software programs that can quickly and automatically correct these kinds of imperfections. This means that most digital pictures taken nowadays can be 'rescued' even if there are multiple technical issues with the original shot.
Of course, Photoshop has now evolved well beyond these kinds of image 'quick fixes'. As an 'Image Manipulation' tool, you can take any image and implement all kinds of create and artistic 'non destructive' effects. This allows you to try out all sorts of variations of effects and if you are not pleased with the result, simply revert 'back in time' using Photoshop's 'History' tool. Using this tool, you can gradually 'step back' through each effect you added until you arrive at the point you'd like to re-try the sequence using a different effect. This allows you to experiment using a vast number of different tools until you achieve the result that you were looking for.
One of the most powerful features of the software is the ability to work in multiple 'layers'. This allows you to manipulate different elements of the picture in creative ways and move semi-transparent 'layers' over each other to achieve the desired effect. The final resulting single image may in fact be composed of several dozen, perhaps even hundreds of layers - many with special effect filters.
You can tell that an immense impact is being caused by Photoshop by the fact that the company name is now used as a verb. It's common nowadays to hear of someone 'photoshopping' an image (even although they may actually be using another image software program all together.) This is always a sure sign that a product is having a significant impact on the culture of the day.
Photoshop has also led to a whole new level of art and digital creativity. For example, graphic tablets were developed specifically for users of Photoshop. Artists of today have gone beyond using paints and a canvas. Today's artists make use of tablet sensors and Photoshop to produce their masterpieces. The technology of this digital software, allows people to take the art of drawing, add computer techniques, and come up with a whole new genre of art. The availability and popularity of photo manipulation software has spawned a vast and creative library of highly modified pictures, many bearing little resemblance to the original image. Using electronic versions of brushes, image layers and filters, it's possible to produce images unattainable through conventional artistic media. In addition, digital artists can create digital paintings, photomontage, collage or lithographs.
Adobe Photoshop might just be a simple software tool for some people. However, powerful tools, when used by enough people can change history. In this age where most media is defined by computers, Photoshop is another tool which, in the right hands, can change the world, or at the very least, change people's perception of that world.

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Cut Down Corners With Photoshop

Need to enhance photos?
Simple, just turn on your computer and trick out your photos with Photoshop! Yup, it's great graphic design software that many different kinds of designers use. If you're a web designer or need to make a print, Photoshop is your thing!
For all kinds of graphics works, this program is more than a handy tool. However like many other tools, any first-time users will find a bit difficulty when they're using Photoshop at the beginning.
But don't you worry, here're few insights for making your works with this nifty software, a lot of fun!
Instantly Move Tool in a tap!
Your computer screen is your digital canvas! Paint and color it with anything you like, and hear this! You can move an element of a design or picture on your canvas! Yup, that's right and normally you have to switch from the tool that you're using and select the "Move Tool."
But what would you do when you have to move dozens of elements? Hey, that's easy! You don't have to keep on switching tools to "Move Tool.!" Use this short cut to cut down any corner of your works, press the "Space Bar" on your keyboard and have "Move Tool" in second without selecting it.
Rearrange and swap color palette!
Check this out! In Photoshop, you'll find a color palette that offers you a chance to work with 2 different colors at once and alternate between. Nice, isn't it? Creating designs will be so much easier where you have to switch between two colors.
And for switching colors, usually you need to click an arrow close to the color palette. You know what? You can save lots of time by pressing "X" button on your keyboard! This hot button will alternate the colors in flash make your design shine!
Basically, these insights will give you an idea on how helpful a hot button is! By using this, you can cut down any corner in speed and, save you from doing a tedious task. So be sure to check out list of hot buttons in your Photoshop!

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Photoshop Tricks You Should Not Overdo in Brochure Printing

One thing that I see when amateurs do their color brochure printing is that they overdo some of the special effects that Adobe Photoshop or other software applications offer. I know it is great to try out these new desktop publishing applications.
However, sometimes it does go a little overboard that it makes the color brochures look a bit cheesy or amateurish. Therefore, as a warning for would be designers, I have here five Photoshop or application tricks that you should not overdo. Keep this in mind, and you will have better outputs in the future.
1. Shadows - The use of shadows is really a good move in most cases. Shadows lift up certain text and images to make them pop-out more. However, the problem with some people is that they use shadows too much. They put shadows on all titles, headings, subheadings and even the body text. When this happens, the whole color brochure becomes littered with "floating" text and design elements, which will look bad and amateurish.
It is best to use shadow effects only for a few elements in a design. The title and some images are where most of your shadow effects should be. Do not overdo it by using it on almost everything you see.
2. Color strokes - When using color strokes, you should also be careful on where and how you use it. Color strokes are great for text and shapely images since they provide a kind of border or background to these design elements. In the proper places, color strokes can be effective. Especially for logo designs and special images for emphasis, color strokes add that well-rounded element that ties a design element together.
The problem with other people using this feature though, is that it gets used around in some areas too much. Using this feature on all images and titles makes for a messy layout. You are putting in splotches of color strokes everywhere if you overdo this. That is why it is best to reign in this effect in and only use it in one design element per panel.
3. Glow effects - Many people also like the use of glow effects. These are specialized color strokes that make design elements look like they have a bright glow around their edges. Now, while using glow effects can be great for many design elements in brochures such as titles and images, many amateurs typically overuse this effect to the detriment of the color brochure design. They use it on titles, headings, text boxes, images and sometimes even on dividers. Having too much glow effects in one brochure printing can lead to a very bright and messy layout. So make sure you only use this effect in only one element.
4. Image cleaning - Another overdone Photoshop trick is the cleaning up of images. While it is good to retouch and enhance the look of your images, too much cleaning up may actually hamper the look of the image, making to look constructed and cartoony. This is especially true if you try to clean up people faces too much. That is why you should be subtle and refrain from cleaning up your images too much.
5. Texture filters and effects - Finally, texture filters and other filter effects should be used in a careful way when it comes to formatting. Filters are great to use in one design element, but using them too much in images, at the background and even in text makes for a messy design. It is only appropriate to use these filters sparingly and only when you need to add some detail to a simple design. It must not be the main aspect of design since this will only make the layout messy.
So be careful of your decisions in adding special effects for your brochure printing. Reign in some of that creativity and be subtle with your additional designs. You do not have to go all out with the effects. Sometimes less is more.

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Photoshop For Beginners - The 6 Most Important First Steps

Most people want to do special effects with Photoshop but like all tools capable of advanced work, it pays to get the essential basics under your belt first. Here is my recommended list of the 6 basic essentials any Photoshop beginner should learn:
1. Learn the image analysis tools - The Histogram, The Eyedropper, and The Info Palette
These three tools provide you with essential information about your image or photograph. The Histogram will tell you everything you need to know about the exposure of the photograph, whether it is under or over exposed, and the tonal range. The Eyedropper tool will give you valuable information about the colours in the image; especially if there is a colour cast (a colour cast is an undesirable overall dominant colour) you need to correct. The Info palette (or window) will provide numerical feedback when using the eyedropper and also when using other tools. This is an important reference for advanced work so is worth getting to know at the start.
2. Learn how to straighten a tilted image - Use the ruler to find the angle of tilt.
Learning to use the Ruler tool will allow you to determine precisely the angle of a tilted horizon and this can then be used with the Rotate canvas command to rapidly correct a tilted image. No guesswork needed! With so many people using cameras with only viewing screens at the back rather than a proper viewfinder, it has become all to common for pictures to come out of the camera with a severe tilt to them. Learning to use the ruler and rotate canvas combination makes correcting these pictures really easy!
3. Learn to crop the picture - Use the Crop tool
Cropping is the process of removing anything from around the edges of a photo that does not add to the impact of the photo. The Crop tool should be learned next since cropping is a very important creative process. There are very few photos that cannot benefit from being cropped. Too many Photoshop beginners just accept the content of the photo as it came from the camera without thinking about whether the picture can be improved visually by cutting away unnecessary edges. The additional benefit of cropping the picture early is that you also reduce the file size which makes further changes to the image run much faster since you are using less memory and disk space.
4. Learn to remove dust marks and blemishes - Use the Healing Brush and the Clone Stamp tools
Even with modern sensor cleaning built-in, you may find your image contains dust marks or other blemishes. These will often be seen in areas of smooth tone such as a clear sky. These should be removed using the Healing Brush tool, especially useful on smooth colour and tones like skies, and the Clone Stamp tool. The Clone Stamp tool is essential for removing or correcting areas of detail which the Healing Brush tool quite often just messes up. Get a grip on these two important tools quickly so you can really clean up your important images.
5. Learn to correct the tonal values - Use the Levels command
The next logical step is to correct any exposure problems or tonal range issues. If the picture is too dark or light now is the time to correct it. To do tonal corrections you need to learn to use the Levels command. The levels command uses a histogram to show the tones so your previous learning from Step 1 above will really help you now. I told you it was a logical learning sequence!
6. Learn to remove colour casts - Use the Colour Balance command
Although modern cameras make a reasonable job of interpreting the colour of light reaching the sensor, they also often get it wrong which results in a photo with an obvious dominant colour. This is known as a colour cast and needs to be removed using the Colour Balance command. Once a dominant colour has been corrected you are ready to make more creative colour enhancements if desired.
There you have the six most important things for a Photoshop beginner to learn. Each of these steps can be mastered quite quickly and the knowledge gained will provide a solid foundation for all your future Photoshop work; whether you just want to improve a family snap or produce an advanced special effects work of art.

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All You Need to Know About Photoshop Services

In this period where the influence of Photoshop service is high in demand, you can use all of the opportunities to create photos as you desire. All kinds of pictures need some glamour and quality. This can only be attained with the help of Photoshop services. It is not impossible to have spotless photos especially if you are going to use latest photo editing software and application available all over the internet.
Even the latest and high-tech digital cameras have their flaws. You cannot actually take a perfect picture, but you can edit your picture to make it perfect. There are lots of factors which can affect the quality of pictures. The continuing demand for advertisements and marketing create a new occupation for photographers and graphic designers to explore the world of Photoshop services. This is an enthusiastic occupation for people who love photo editing and capturing photos of people and surroundings.
The photos editing path is not all about changing the photos, but rather enhancing the photos to make it look more pleasing and attractive. Photoshop experts can give several services to people, but it needs profound understanding about technology and photography. The process of photo editing requires several processes. You must try to learn all of these processes to provide good services to people. The following are popular services provided by Photoshop.
Photo Restoration- this is a process of retaining the original picture from a damaged photograph. These photographs are damaged due to several factors such as fading, marks, stains, dust, as well as scratches. This is a process in which you have to adjust the brightness, clarity, and sharpness. It also requires repairing all missing and spoiled parts within the pictures. Old family pictures can now be restored with the help of these services.
Photo Enhancement- this is another great photo editing service. It's used for a complete remodeling of photos by editing several details within the photographs. The editing services require alteration of objects, faces, skin, and products. If your photograph is damaged, dull or have poor quality, you can count on to this service to enhance the quality of your photographs. This service is being employed by different companies in modeling, printing, and publishing companies.
Photo Retouching- this process is widely used by all leading professional photographers. This kind of technique will add a professional look to your old original photo. After retouching, it will give a portrait effect to your photograph and other several features can also blended to improve the quality of pictures.
Vector Conversion- this is a process in which faded and blurred photos can be converted into clear and quality photographs. This is a technique used for printing raster or bitmap images on prints or advertisements.
Clipping path- this is also a vector path which allows some parts of the images to display while neglecting the rest of the parts. This kind of service is more of an image editing program which is equivalent to masking. This is also used to separate the image from its background.
In all, you need to make your image stand out of the many with the use of the Photoshop services by expert graphic designer of photo editing companies such as Clipping Path Specialist, Clipping Path India.

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Photoshop Masking Allows Easy Change of Background

ou have the most beautiful picture of you and your wife together but there is just one problem. There is no romantic Eiffel Tower in the background but the messy city traffic. Well, you can surely remove the background from the photo but the process could be time consuming and frustrating.
This is where Photoshop Masking comes at your rescue. It is amongst the best techniques for image manipulation that gets even the composite image out of its background. Photoshop masking can help you easily extract only the image you require and perhaps cherish, from its unwanted background. The technique offers you to cut your image and take out the original background.
Photoshop Masking makes use of various channels of techniques to isolate your most complex pictures from their background with fine and clean edges. The various techniques of Photoshop Masking include Alpha Channel Masking, Photoshop Collage Masking, Translucent Image Masking, Photoshop Transparency Masking and Advanced Layer Masking. Advanced Layer Masking is known as Complex Layer Masking as well. The Alpha Channel Masking is the most used technique to remove the background from most arduous pictures. Through Alpha Channel Masking, the image is extracted finely and put in front of a new coveted background.
Photoshop Masking helps the offering various utilities through its service. These include changing and customizing the backgrounds, creating transparency, removing background colors, creating presentable advertisements for companies, save the original for later usage, removing shadows from the image, and giving the pictures in the image a smooth finish. The image to be masked can be intended from stock photo as well as from any image source.
Various companies to create the catalogues for their products use Photoshop Masking. The most used tools for extracting the images are lasso tool, pen tool and magic eraser tool. Photoshop Masking technique, when used along with Clipping Path, helps in removal of undesired background from the most difficult images that are to be used on websites for advertising for e-commerce. At times, Clipping Path fails on complex parts of the images such as fur, hair and translucent and semi-transparent photos such as light effects, flames, chiffon, feathers, muslin and glasses.

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Photo Manipulation With Adobe PhotoShop and Its Effects on Society

For years now, the world has been impacted by the advent of the computer graphics editing tool Adobe PhotoShop. The effect that photo manipulation with PhotoShop has had on society and culture is undeniable and as the number of resources for PhotoShop learning and training increases, it is likely that this impact will increase as well.
Photo manipulation in photography is most evident in advertising and is used to enhance the look of people, places and objects. Open any magazine and it is likely that every single image within has been retouched or manipulated with PhotoShop. Consider an advertisement for a car; during the actual photo shoot, the photographer relies on a team of professionals to create the perfect scene. Lighting experts, manipulate shadows to accentuate the cars lines and enhance its curves. The entire scene is orchestrated to provide the ultimate perception of the vehicle. But, once the photo shoot is done, and the images are produced, the work is far from over. This is where the computer graphics professionals come in... and their tool of choice is usually Adobe PhotoShop.
Even with their team of professional assistants, it is very difficult to create the perfect image in a single photo shoot. Certainly it can be done, but it takes time, and time to the advertiser equals money. What an entire team can accomplish during a photo shoot in 1-2 days of set-up and trial & error, a single graphic artist can accomplish in under an hour. This of course has not only decreased the costs associated with creating an advertising campaign, but it has also increased efficiency, allowing advertisers to produce more content.
From a business perspective, this has had an indirect result on the number of products available for purchase. Lower advertising costs create more opportunities to offer more products at a cheaper price. All of these inexpensive products have resulted in a change in purchasing mentality for your average consumer and have helped boost the economy during times which might otherwise be less economically vibrant.
Of course there are a myriad of other factors, but it can certainly be argued that Adobe PhotoShop has had an effect, if only indirectly on the economy of the World.
A more direct impact that photo manipulation with PhotoShop has had on society has been with the simplicity in altering the image of the human body. The vast majority of all advertisements featuring people have been altered in some way or another. Using PhotoShop, the ability to remove unsightly handlebars from the waist, or cellulite from the thighs is as simple as a slight rub with the eraser tool or a quick pass with the clone and stamp tool.
The result over time has been a total transformation of what society considers a good body image. While a few magazines buck the trend, most magazine ads portray women as unrealistically perfect. This depiction, when viewed by both men and women can have a drastic effect on how people view themselves when compared to what society evidently considers as the ideal look. Personal anxiety, low self-worth, eating disorders and depression are just some of the end results.
A powerful tool, there is no doubt... photo manipulation with Adobe PhotoShop has had many effects on society, both from an economic perspective and from the perspective of how we view ourselves

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Beginners Tutorial Taking a Look Inside Adobe Photoshop CS5

Photoshop Creative Suite 5 can be described as greatly improved edition brought out by Adobe. This specific edition is specialized in assisting video, film as well as multi-media experts. With its more efficient features and potent cropping and editing applications, Photoshop CS5 has made possible a revolution in the field of video recording / photo cropping and editing and formatting. Highly appropriate for architects, scientists, engineers, web designers, graphic artists and the medical community, this variation gives you the high end, and very simple to use composite and also fast selection applications to make your own modifying understanding an enjoyable experience.
Photoshop CS5 is actually targeted to aid amateur photography enthusiasts and movie publishers obtain excellence within their career. Here is a summary of some of its exclusive features:
Smart cropping and editing tools: Using its smart editing tool box, you are able to easily do whatever it takes to get perfection in your resourceful productivity with regards to a video as well as graphic. Right from modifying shades, to clouding as well as perfecting areas of the graphic, as well as correcting the image resolution on the photo, this particular edition is certainly packed with so many modifying resources imaginable. This modifying tool helps it be one of the better versions to date regarding picture as well as movie cropping and editing.
Painting and sketching software: With a variety array of artistic paint brushes, drawing applications, paint configurations can easily change the elegance and excellence of the picture. Using these types of easy to gain access to brushes, you'll be able to create exclusive photographs out of your regular pictures.
Edge refining and selection applications: Picking an area of the graphic couldn't be simpler using these types of resources. The actual advanced refining highlights of Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite 5 enable users to choose a certain area of the actual picture with merely a click to perfect it to perfection.
Compositing characteristics: With this feature, you are able to quickly line up components within your picture to include a special impression.
Enhanced printing quality: The particular superior coloring software features allow you to bring life to the otherwise normal looking photo. With more effective print preview windows and more features inside the print option, ones printed photo will genuinely match up to the standards of a specialist ten-on-ten picture.
In addition to the above functions, this Photoshop Creative Suite 5 version is certainly packed with more user friendly functions like Smart Objects, Red Eye Reduction tool, InDesign, Healing Brush, ImageReady, Illustrator, After Effects, and so on. These functions renders this edition totally user aimed. This software program is highly compatible with virtually all the formats of photos, that is, TIFF, PSD, BMP, OpenEXR, LPEG2000 and JPEG

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Everyone Now Uses Photoshop - Why Creative Graphic Designers & Graphic Design Jobs are Disappearing

A young lady that attended my creative freelance designer workshop at the Art Institute of Phoenix recently asked, "What if I don't have any interest or knowledge of doing marketing for a company? I just don't get into writing content, creating tag lines and stuff like that..."

Hmm, the prognosis for her business doesn't look good - at least to me it doesn't. It'll be on life-support before too long. Like the African Elephant or the California Condor, traditional graphic designers are becoming extinct. Things weren't always like this but the design industry is changing because of technology; and many clients are finding they don't need traditional designers. This is pretty scary, but it's true - look at what's come on the scene within the last 5 years:

* Web site templates

* Easy to use graphic software packages

* Collateral material templates

* Stock photography

* Stock logos

* Global marketplace because of the Internet, the ability to work with freelancers all over the world (including developing countries)

There was once a time you could be a freelance designer if you had Photoshop and a working knowledge of how to use it, but technology's changed all of this. Adobe and other software manufacturers have made these once industry only software packages available to the public - and a lot of "the public" has caught on. Once on the elite could purchase and train to learn Photoshop, but I kid you not, I've seen middle school kids demonstrate that they have a basic understanding of how to use and get around in that program. If you're relying on your knowledge of design software to earn you a job or clients, this should scare the hell out of you.

Couple this with the explosion of template crap factories that crank out logos, web template and branding packages and you can start to see that what it took to be a freelancer 10 years ago isn't good enough anymore. If you're a creative freelancer you have to learn how to compete and add value in different areas. To make things worse, clients can now hire someone in India, Europe or South America to work on their project for virtually nothing, or they can just decide not to pay anyone and attempt to do it themselves. It's an ugly situation for sure; freelancers only have one of two options: change to meet the new needs of clients or starve.

The bottom line: if you want to be a traditional graphic designer that only focuses on being able creating cool imagery rather than getting your hands dirty with marketing, things are most likely going to be tough for you - especially if you're just starting out. If you're biggest selling point is that, "You have great designs", you're screwed.

I realize that's harsh, and I don't mean to paint such a bleak picture but I do owe it to you (readers and fellow colleagues) to be honest. Traditional graphic designers and web designers are disappearing - clients want more, and because of technology they can get it. And there aren't a lot of clients out there that are willing to pay top dollar for someone to create imagery without any benefits to their bottom line.

There will always be a place for designers in the business world, but make no mistake, the landscape is changing. Savvy designers have seen this already and they are already starting to move towards learning and being able to provide services that help their clients bring in business and make money. If through your design talents you have the ability to bring in customers and make a company money, they'll always be a place for you, if you're relying on your great eye for design to save you, it won't. Take a tip from animals that have been on this planet for thousands of years: learn to adapt to survive.

Have you ever noticed that companies that are in financial trouble always cut personnel that do not directly bring in sales & revenue? If you're a designer without the ability to bring in customers and revenue you can expect to be one of the first cuts. That's a scary place to be.

Best of luck my friend and colleague.

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Finding a Photoshop Elements Guide - A Clever Way to Find Photoshop Information

The first thing we do these days to find the information we are looking for is to Google it.  The same applies to those of you who are looking for an easy-to-follow Photoshop elements guide.  The only problem then is to sort through the mass of search results to find what you are looking for.
This can be confusing in itself, and this is before you find a guide and then try and figure that out too!  But have you thought about joining a few Photoshop forums?  I can guarantee you that there will be a small handful of Photoshop experts in the forums who are more than willing to share their experience and expertise in Photoshop.
There will of course be more people asking the questions, but finding one or two forums with experts in their field will be enough if you want to an answer to a specific question.  Therefore you don't necessarily need a Photoshop elements guide as such if you only need information on specific bits of Photoshop.
Many people are unaware that these niche-specific forums exist never mind actually finding them.  I would suggest here to literally type in the phrase 'Photoshop elements forum' and see what comes up.  You can then go through these forums and see if they are what you are looking for.  If they are not, then you could just post a question in these forums asking people if they know of any other good Photoshop forums to find answers to specific questions.
You will be surprised at how friendly and relaxed these forums are, they are even entertaining as you are interacting with people in conversation and you always find a member with a sense of humour which puts a smile on your face while reading their posts.  This is more fun than reading through a Photoshop elements guide on your own.
You could find that you mightn't need to even post your question in the forum because if you take the time to read through all past posts you might find your answer there.  Or, you could type in your question into the 'search' box in the forum and wade through all related posts there.
So you see, if you need to ask specific questions about Photoshop then forums are definitely worth a try.  However, if you are a complete newbie to Photoshop and need to know how to use the entire product from scratch, then yes, getting yourself a copy of a good Photoshop elements guide will be the best place to start.

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Professional Photo Maker - Adobe Photoshop CS4 Software

As most people discover in seeking that professional photo maker, the existence with the software program item generally contains numerous releases featuring various modifications. Inside these types of modifications, adjustments could be seen typically by the creator rendering a new re-installable item or just the modified files.
While browsing for a professional photo maker, many seek a software program that might be best suited for an expert or even a beginner. Located in this software program ought to be the easy and simple to implement functions for virtually all whom are tending on making use of this software program.
Generally there is quite a bit of professional photo software available on the marketplace these days. This information could be an intensive task if not certain what you're searching for if just getting started or what one may require.
The moment an individual types in those powerful words searching for the one excellent element of software program you'll discover outcomes that can befuddle an individual. Generally there is really a huge selection of info that's presented which in turn can result in an overwhelming feeling and unnecessary aggravation.
One of the top outcomes as well as others, might be the Adobe Photoshop CS4. This particular professional photo maker offers quite a few excellent functions tailored to those whom are searching for that ease of use and comprehension of how these applications work.
Accessibility of this highly effective software may supply its consumers with a more significant sense of flexibility while editing, enhancements with efficiency, developing masks and fine-tuning of images, color modification, compositing, enhanced speed with graphic handling, as well as raw image processing.
In utilizing Adobe Photoshop CS4 or other pieces of software, people will not require any unique requirements. People can create a wide variety of changes to photographs devoid of corrupting the importance with the image itself. One of the excellent advantages if deciding to consider this piece of software is its free of charge trial version. This really is a fantastic means of working with the functions to discover if this really is the correct software prior to investing.
Whilst an individual researches, there will be numerous amounts of a particular kind of professional photo maker that users can try with its free of charge trials. Prior to choosing, a person ought to take a look into alternative upgrades that may be obtainable for that particular software program.
As the individual improves their own practical knowledge, they might need to advancement to a much more professional photo software that provides much more superior tools that provides various capabilities.
In the midst of your search for that one great choice of a professional photo maker, low cost or free is where we would normally like to begin. After time, and your skills improve, one might need more advanced features to meet your growing needs. So why not make one investment that caters to the beginners and the more advanced all alike by visiting

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Professional Photo Maker - Adobe Photoshop CS4

As we find in our searching for that professional photo maker, the life of the software product usually has a number of releases offering different versions. Within these versions, changes can be seen normally by the author providing a new re-installable product or just the modified files.
When searching for a professional photo maker, most look for software that may be suited for an expert or even a novice. Within this software should be the simple and easy to use features for all who are tending on utilizing this software.
There is quite a bit of professional photo software out on the market today. This can be a time consuming task if not sure what you are looking for when first starting out or what one might need.
Once you type on those magic words looking for the one great piece of software you will find results that can confuse a person. There will is a wealth of information that is provided which can lead to an overwhelming feeling and frustration.
One of the top results is going to be the Adobe Photoshop CS4 or CS5. This professional photo maker has some great features geared to those who are looking for that ease of use and understanding of how these tools work.
Access of this powerful software will provide its users with a greater sense of freedom while editing, enhancements with efficiency, creating masks and fine-tuning of images, color correction, increased speed with graphic handling, plus raw image processing.
In using Adobe Photoshop CS4 or CS5 users will not need any special requirements, Users can make a variety of adjustments to images without corrupting the value of the image itself. One of the great benefits if wanting to try this piece of software is its free trial version. This is a wonderful way of utilizing the features to see if this is the right software before investing.
As one searches, there will be many more of a certain type of professional photo maker that users can try with its free trials. Before choosing, one should look into other upgrades that might be available for that specific software. As the user increases their experience, they may need to upgrade to a more professional photo software that offers more advanced tools that offers different features.

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Photoshop Layout Tutorials - Why You Must Learn How to Use Adobe Photoshop Yourself

Adobe Photoshop is a very useful tool of the trade nowadays. Knowledge of basic Adobe Photoshop is sometimes required from applicants even if it is not really necessary in the job description. This is because employers would like to gauge the computer literacy of applicants through their knowledge of such skills. Hence it is now a necessity to learn how to use Adobe Photoshop. In publication and journalism, for example, it is not really important for you to take Photoshop layout tutorials if you are merely applying for a writing position. But most employers would take that as your edge.
Nonetheless, the booming industries during the advent of the Information Age require ample knowledge of Photoshop. This is because Photo shop can perform numerous tasks even in simple office presentation works. In this day and age, multimedia is the name of the game. A simple proposal can be worth nothing if you can't present it with flair. Getting yourself acquainted with Photoshop techniques will already go a long way.
Jobs in the information technology industry requires more than Photoshop basic understanding even if you are not on the creative department. Most of these jobs even require you to get a benchmark certification to qualify you for the position. Here comes the importance of getting Photoshop training from a reputable school or online training. Most of these training courses equip you with the right knowledge to pass the Adobe benchmark exams.
More or less, free Photoshop layout tutorials found on the internet are more than enough for you to become well-versed in Photoshop. It all depends on how you want to use your knowledge of the program. So what are you waiting for to start learning how to use photoshop like a Pro yourself? It's easier than you might be thinking right now!

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Photoshop Services at Your Beck and Call

Photoshop services are very important for people who have online business. Photos are very important when it comes to online business. Photos are used to attract the attention of consumers. When they see beautiful and attractive photos on your website, you can convince them to buy your products and to acquire the services you offer. The importance of having effective photos is undeniable.
If you want to enhance photos for your business, you have to locate a company that can provide wide variety of services when it comes to photos. Photoshop services should be available in no time especially if it used for business. Time is gold when it comes to business. You have to find a company which can provide real time services. There are companies that can provide quick services to all their clients with their team of professional graphic designer. The following are services you need to look out for in order to enhance the attractiveness of your business.
Clipping path- clipping path is about cutting out a picture with the use Photoshop pen. This Photoshop service will take out the picture from its background to emphasize the photo. When you apply the clipping path, everything inside the path created by the pen is included and everything outside the path is omitted. The use of clipping path services in the photo industry increases dramatically, because it can be used to emphasize a picture. The quality of the picture is retained with the use of Photoshop pen. Clipping path can only be applied to images with sharp edges.
Image masking- image masking is one of the most basic operations. This kind of service can remove the picture from a blurred background. If there are hair portions which are scattered on the background, you still take out the picture with the use of image masking technique. Masking images is not an easy task, it is very time consuming especially if you do not have first-hand knowledge about Photoshop services. They have complete team of hardworking and highly skilled staff which put all their hearts to ensure the satisfaction of their customers. The level of difficulty when it comes to image masking largely depends on the type of the photo.
Photograph Retouching- retouching photos needs an inherent creativity. Image retouching should be from experience and knowledge from diverse painting of difficulties. It is important to choose a company that is preferred by many when it comes to image retouching.
Image manipulation- this services aims to create an illusion or deception to photographs. This manipulation system can either be done with the use of analog and digital method. Manipulating an image can enhance the quality and improve the overall quality of the image. This is very helpful for your business to make your product attractive to customers.
In all, you don't underestimate the goodness of photo editing especially in online business, because it can help your business to be popular within your niche. So go for the best as you enjoy the services of Clipping Path Specialist, Clipping Path India.

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Photo Editing - A Significant Role in Photoshop Service

Photo editing is an art that can do the impossible, but must be experienced, if you want quality results. In case of foreground extraction in a photo or image, for example, there is no dearth of photo editing techniques; however, to get it done might invite unwanted problems. Just take for example the case when objects or semi-transparent thin as the hair must be removed. This is when an expert quality photo retouching required. Before going to represent the colors for the extraction, you must remember to create a mask layer to leave the trip to catch in the foreground. If you aspire to draw a person with long hair in the foreground, it becomes difficult for the selection of hair plays an important role. Since hair is thin and transparent on all sides, it is difficult to identify and separate them in an organized manner.
Photo editing encompasses the processes of editing images, whether digital photographs, traditional analog photographs or illustrations, traditional editing analog image is known as photo retouching, using tools such as airbrush to modify photographs, illustrations or editing of any means of communication with traditional art, graphics software, which can be grouped into vector graphics editors, raster graphics editors, and 3D modelers, are the main tools the user can manipulate, enhance and transform images. Many photo editing programs are also used to make or create computer art from scratch.
One of the tools for image processing has an important role in Lasso. Popularly known as a magic wand, starts its journey from one to distinguish the object. However, we must not forget the path that determines the path. This is where the experience of questions. This is also used for extraction at the forefront of digital photo editing. This is true when you can not easily be used to select the method to do your job. Rather, what you need is a way to automatically select all the small pieces of the resulting image semi-transparent elections, leading to final acceptance of work.
One of the other works included in the category of image processing used in a color image to play the reverse contrast of color and automatically create a silhouette in shades of gray. They may also be used for purposes well covered. But there are other examples where you can write the effects are easily and without any hiccups. But the missions easier or more difficult to be more user friendly and can also be done by non-experts, while the difficulties are always subject to error if it occurs in the hands of experts not. Therefore, photo editing is not difficult, but the complexity makes it a little annoying especially as new to this area. That is why people are a little difficult to get the desired results. In the end, however, no shortage of companies that will be the disposal when it comes to editing large photos. But what you need to ensure is that the editing complex photo must be in the hands of experts. Only experts who make sure you get the best image, which can be mocked in the world.

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4 Ways to Make Money With Photoshop Brushes

Creating your own designs using Photoshop brushes with commercial license is a number one prerequisite for each of the money making ideas we will present in this article.
There are various ways to make money creating your own stuff on-line. Everyone knows about various on-line services that let you upload your designs, apply them on various items like, mugs, apparels, t-shirts, personal gifts and so on.
Let's just mention,, and similar.
However, not everyone is aware of four additional ways to make money with your designs even if you are a total newbie and don't know much about Photoshop or similar graphic design software.
These are:
  1. Rubber stamping
  2. Paper design
  3. Wallpaper design
  4. Logo design
Now, here is how it works.
Let's say you want to go into Rubber stamp business, but you are not so good with Photoshop or similar software. Or, you even might be good at these but you are going through some kind of creativity block. Don't let that stop you from doing what you want to do.
All you need is Photoshop, a good collection of PS brushes with commercial use license and a little bit of time.
1. Rubber stamping
There is a whole deal of sites explaining how to about rubber stamping, which is, by the way, increasingly popular in US. So, if you don't really have an idea on the shapes for the stamp, just find some cool Photoshop brushes (for instance floral or swirls) turn them into rubber stamps and - voila, you have your own product for sale.
2. Paper design
You guessed, same applies here. With Photoshop brushes you can create patterns for paper design. Then, you can sell that design on sites like
3. Wallpaper
designers earn from $30.000 - $80.000 per year. So, if you are thinking about starting a career there, again, Photoshop brushes will get you up to speed in no time.
4. Logo design
There are a bunch of places where you can compete in logo design contest. One of my favorite one is But don't miss eLance or FreeLancer either. Again, if you own a good collection of Photoshop brushes with commercial license - jump in!
Of course, there are, virtually, unlimited ways to use Photoshop brushes in creative process. Especially if you are just a beginner, but also if you are experienced in Photoshop going through a creative block - Photoshop brushes will be here to save your day. As I said in the beginning you just need to be sure that the brushes you use come with the commercial use license.

Interested in Photoshop brushes with commercial license? Visit the Graphics-Illustrations.Com Blog for help with photoshop brushes, as well as Adobe Photoshop.

Darijan Gasevic is an experienced copywriter, graphic designer and business consultant. Also, Mr. Gasevic is co-owner of several graphics design related web sites

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Tutorial on Photoshop

Photoshop is the application used to edit, manipulate, revitalize digital images in order to enhance their quality and add finesse for better visual effects. It refers to a set of techniques by which graphic effects are added to images through analog or digital means. It can also be used to create art as well as greeting cards, posters, banners & flyers.This software has been in use since 1982, developed and published by Adobe Systems. The Photoshop application consists mainly of five components: the Application Bar, the Tools Panel, the Options Bar, the Document Window, and the Panel Dock
Photoshop tools are so varied that it is impossible to master all of them. The primary use of Photoshop is that you can create new images or manipulate existing images to suit your needs. The Type Tool is an option that helps you create texts on images. This tool is most often used by professionals for desktop publishing and on the Web than individuals, who normally do not add texts to their photos. Existing texts can be redesigned by a change in size, type and color of fonts and their placements changed in terms of vertical, horizontal, curved or a straight line.
The painting and drawing tools help you to not only beautify existing images but also to draw new ones. Photoshop helps create layers in your selected picture by means of specific tools. Images can be enlarged or downsized. A picture can be adjusted to alter its hues, curves, contrast and color balance with the aid of proper tools. Another wonderful option that Photoshop features is 'Selection'. You can isolate and work on a particular part of an image or transfer that part on to another picture smoothly. Special effects can be brought on to images with the aid of 'Filters.'
Photoshop is a boon as far as restoring rare, old or damaged photographs is concerned. It can renew and bring to life and store for posterity old photographs that hold fond memories for many.

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A Review - Adobe Photoshop CS One-on-One

As the title implies, Deke McClelland gives the reader a one-on-one approach to the wonders of Adobe Photoshop CS. The book provides a comprehensive walk through of the features of Photoshop in a classroom setting where the reader is the lone student and McClelland the teacher.
Deke McClelland is an Adobe Certified Expert and a member of the PhotoshopWorld Instructor Dream Team. He was inducted into the National Association of Photoshop Professionals' Photoshop Hall of Fame in 2002.
This full-color book includes two hours of video tutorials in CD. It features a step by step presentation of real-world projects that are sure to help the reader gain proficiency with Photoshop. The reader is give a rich amount of graphics theory, best practices, and tips for avoiding Photoshop disasters. McClelland's approach to learning Photoshop bridges the gap among available literature on the subject and provides a unique educational experience.
The book is created with the intention of making the seemingly monumental task of mastering Photoshop look like a walk in the park. Inside are twelve lessons, each made up of three to six exercises, illustrated with more than 600 photos, diagrams, and screen shots. Each book-based lesson comes with a corresponding video lesson, included on a companion CD. The exercises are project-based, culminating in real-world projects that readers can show off when they've finished.
The book also contains "Extra Credit" sections that show readers how to tap into Photoshop's powerful features to give their projects a professional polish. Multiple choice quizzes follow each lesson, providing a great teaching tool for educators and a way for new users to test their knowledge.
Rich with "Pearls of Wisdom" gained from McClelland's years of experience, "Photoshop CS One-on-One" is accessible to complete beginners while still offering tips and secrets that even the most experienced Photoshop users are unaware of. Readers are sure to find that the combination of step-by-step lessons and video introduction provide the best learning experience of any Photoshop resource on the market.
The exercises included with each lesson are interesting and fun to do. The end result is almost always something you can be proud to say you created.
Because of its comprehensive approach, understanding this book fully will take some time. Take it slowly and at your own pace. McClelland's wit, literary allusions and breezy writing style help turn a cumbersome, complicated and sometimes mysterious computer application into a user-friendly tool.
Did you find this article useful? For more useful tips and hints, points to ponder and keep in mind, techniques, and insights pertaining to Photoshop, do please browse for more information at our websites.

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